JUL 2015
Antonio Girardi will held a talk at Villa Merkel in Esslingen am Neckar (Stuttgart) about "Urban farming as a regenerative action" the day 07.08.2016.
JUL 2015
Cristiana Favretto has been appointed a member of the board of the Foundation "Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri - Hic Terminus Haeret“
MAY 2016
Jellyfish Barge will be presented within the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, inside the Italian Pavilion curated by TAM Associati. The theme of the Pavillion, called “Taking care, designing for the common good” concerns architecture as a community service, taking care of individuals, spaces, places, principles and resources.
In such a context, Jellyfish Barge represent a solution to provide agriculture in the urban environment
combining a food production facility with a vital public space.
MAY 2016
Jellyfish Barge has been installed at Villa Merkel in Esslingen am Neckar (Stuttgart), on the occasion of the exposition "Good Space: political, aesthetic and urban spaces".
We are really happy to announce that a new prototype of Jellyfish Barge is now at Nuova Darsena in Milan. It will be present until the end of October. Come to visit us!
MAY 2015
We are happy to be part of "The new nomads. Temporary spaces and a life on the move" a new publication edited by GESTALTEN . Mobility is the ultimate new form of freedom: freedom from routine, traditional values, and geographic restraints. This growing trend has generated visionary ways of designing products and spaces that facilitate a nomadic yet high-tech life.
MAY 2015
Come to visit us at Expo 2015! Jellyfish Barge is in the Future Food District Coop!
APRIL 2015
PNAT has been awarded by UNECE ideas for change Award for a coaching trajectory by I3P Politecnico di Torino and won the first phase of Sme Instruments of Horizon 2020 by European Commission!
MARCH 2015
We are happy to be part of Atlas of Contemporary Networks, a publication lead by MA Information Design Laboratory at IUAV. Atlas of Contemporary Networks is based on a visual investigation on the influence of contemporary technology into several different domains of human activity, trying to visualize the complexity of today's technological ecosystems.
"Post Nature" by Cristiana Favretto and Antonio Girardi is published by open.txt, an experimental publishing project presented at CIID — Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.
Jellyfish Barge is ready to go!
coming soon
JUNE 2014
Jellyfish Barge under construction!
MAY 2014
We are exited to announce that we co-found with prof. Stefano Mancuso and the biologist Elisa Azzarello, Elisa Masi and Camilla Pandolfi: Pnat. Pnat is an emerging think tank of designers and biologists with the aim of merging plants, research and science. Mimicking patterns of natural processes lead to face emerging problems such as environmental changes and depletion of resources in a sustainable way. Plants account for 99% of world biomass and have been adapting to changing conditions for 450 million years. Studying their evolutionary processes suggests outstanding methodologies applicable in many fields from design to urbanism and from materials technology to resilient strategies. The work of Pnat covers the fields of sustainable architecture, bio design, education, urban ecology, material engineering.
MAY 2014
Performing the Library at Bronx Museum NY. The exhibition displays the outcome of a workshop, entitled "Performing the Library," held in the Summer of 2013 at the Università Iuav di Venezia (IUAV) as an intensive 3-weeks university-level studio whose aim was to design one or more "library" spaces. A video about the workshop’s activities and process accompanies boards illustrating the students’ projects, and study models that contain objects belonging to members of their own families, which were used to establish spatial relationships as conceptual stage-sets for future buildings.The workshop established a relationship with the US Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, visiting Sarah Sze's installation “Triple Point,”.
Iuav Lecture
On November, 9 Studiomobile will present their installation Networking Nature at Spazio Gerra
Studiomobile lecture within La Repubblica delle idee 2013_Next at Teatro Toniolo
Antonio Girardi will hold a lecture on September the 20th within the Simposyum Osdotta 2013 at the University Sapienza in Rome
JULY 2013
Start the workshop at IUAV "Performing the library", held by Sandro Marpillero (Columbia University) in collaboration with Professor Renato Bocchi (IUAV) , Valeria Burgio (Bronx Museum NY), Cristiana Favretto and Matteo Aimini .The topic of this workshop is the design of one or more “library” spaces, to be understood not in strictly typological terms nor as use-programs for a singular building, but as a means to access the specific environmental character of Marghera, emphasizing unconventional criteria for social gathering and intense relationships with the area’s social fabric. The goal is to stimulate new perceptions of the space and time of cultural production, diffusion, and consumption, promoting specific behaviors motivated by this unique urban landscape by tracing processes of industrialization/de-industrialization to re-cycle and re-design their resultant urban structure.
JULY 2013
The catalogue of MA Narrative Environments is ready. Cristiana Favretto co-tutored the work "Dead Seas" by student Radha Mistry.
JUNE 2013
The EU-PA catalogue is ready. The publication describe the achieved results during the research program on urban regeneration in London, Maribor, Prague and Jesolo. EU-PA is a two year cooperation project founded by the Programme Culture 2007 of the EU, in partnership with MA Narrative Environments at University of Arts London - Central Saint Martins College (London, UK) and the KIBLA- Association for Culture and Education (Maribor, SL), CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies (Prague, CZ).
MAY 2013
On Monday, 6th May 2013 at 5pm Studiomobile will give a lecture at CIID, Toldbodgade 37b, Copenhagen.
MARCH 2013
Studiomobile lecture at Fabrica
On November 29 Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto will give a lecture at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design of London
Studiomobile will participate as a lecturer to the workshop leggerecittà
On August, 27 Studiomobile will present their installation Networking Nature at Biennale di Venezia 2012 at Palazzo Bembo. The exhibition "Traces of century, future steps" will be open to the public from August 29 untill 25 November.
JULY 2012
Re-Watering won the first prize of the Premio Basi within the category "site specific"
JUNE 2012
Cristiana Favretto has been selected for EU-PA, European Public Art project. It is a creative experiment in culture-led urban regeneration taking place in four European cities: London, Maribor, Prague and Jesolo.
The partner organisations from each city have joined forces to investigate the role of art and design within urban regeneration and prompt a dynamic circulation of new ideas and expertise across Europe. It is intended that the results will lead to more sustainable economic, social and environmental development. EU-PA is a two year cooperation project founded by the Programme Culture 2007 of the EU, in partnership with University of Arts London - Central Saint Martins College (London, UK), KIBLA- Association for Culture and Education (Maribor, SL), CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies (Prague, CZ).
MAY 2012
Studiomobile will partecipate to the 13. Mostra di Architettura di Venezia within the exibition "Traces of the century & Future steps" at Palazzo Bembo. The exhibition is supervised by the Dutch curators Karlyn De Jongh, Sarah Gold and Rene Rietmeyer of the Foundation GAA established in New York in 2002.
MAY 2012
Studiomobile will partecipate at FUTURE, LANDSCAPE. A CHANGING EXHIBITION. The exhibition will be held at Forte Marghera, a Napoleonic fortification located in Venice. May 26th – July 8th 2012 Forte Marghera, Padiglione 36 Venezia http://www.parcodelcontemporaneo.it
MAY 2012
The paper "Sustainable upgrade: water as key point in environmentally keen housing refurbishment" by Antonio Girardi has been published in the book COST TU0701 ACTION: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stock, ISBN 978-88-96463-08-6.
APRIL 2012
Studiomobile will be at FLORACULT in Rome between the 27 and 29 April 2012, where they will present their latest work, "Re-Watering"
Open#4, S.a.L.E. Docks, Venice.
MAY 2011
Geo&Geo broadcast.
APRIL 2011
Floracult promoted by Ilaria Venturini Fendi and curated by Antonella Fornai.
APRIL 2011
APRIL 2011
Jellyfish Farm at Appartamento Lago
APRIL 2011
Design Week 2011
MARCH 2011
Seawater Vertical Farm has been included in the book Utopia Forever: Visions of Architecture and Urbanism edited by Robert Klanten and Lukas Feireiss for Gestalten Publishers
MARCH 2011
Working on Parametric Landscape with Emmanuelle Walter!
Klimahouse 2011, an interview with Cristiana Favretto
Kinetic Field Galleria dei Soffioni, Piazza dei Signori, Treviso. Un campo di frumento composto da spighe meccaniche che reagiscono al movimento cinetico. Le persone, interagendo con le spighe, si sentiranno fruitori e generatori dell’energia che alimenterà l’installazione. Le installazioni interattive "KInetic Field" e "Jellyfish Farm" fanno parte di un percorso a tappe in città alla scoperta del design sostenibile. In mostra inoltre i prototipi realizzati dagli studenti dello Iuav di Venezia, e la linea Save Waste from Waste di Carmina Campus, un progetto promosso da Ilaria Venturini Fendi. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito Sustain/ability Festival Treviso 2-4 dicembre 2010 Inaugurazione: venerdì 3 dicembre alle ore 18.30.
Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto gave a lecture on "What's contemporary? Sustainability, language and holistic disciplines in studiomobile approach to the design" at the Domus Academy in Milan
Studiomobile will present “VictoryGarden” and “Jellyfish Farm” during the 6th edition of ArtVerona. Spazio XYZ will host the art installations inside the section INDEPENDENTS curated by Fuoribiennale.
"Coltiva la tua città", "Jellyfish Barge" and "Victory Graden" will be at exhibition INDEPENDENTS ArtVerona
Studiomobile will be present from 20 octuber to 22 octuber to exhibition “Selected Low-Carbon Architectural Projects” at V edition of “5th China International Architectural Expo” of Beijin. The exhibition curated by “Architecture Society of China” will be held at "Green Ark" inside the China National Convention Center in Beijin.
Studiomobile workshop to teach people how to build a mobile hydroponics vegetable garden. In collaboration with tripgroup (mestresweetcity.org). Shooting by A. Giacomazzi. Editing by A. Bellinato.
JULY 2010
Studiomobile presenta l’installazione ambientale "Victory Garden" all'interno dello Spazio XYZ di Treviso. L'istallazione si pone l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare i visitatori sul tema della coltivazione urbana e la necessità di ripensare i sistemi tradizionali di produzione e distribuzione delle materie prime dell’agricoltura. Durante la presentazione di venerdì 30 luglio, sarà possibile assistere anche all'installazione-performance “Nat” di Juan-Pablo Villegas Delgado. Dal 30 luglio al 11 settembre presso: Spazio XYZ via inferiore Treviso 31100
JULY 2010
Studiomobile work was published on the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
JULY 2010
XYZ spazio espositivo multidisciplinare per le arti applicate e studiomobile vi invitano alla presentazione di
VICTORY GARDEN venerdì 30 luglio alle ore 17.00 via Inferiore, 31 - Treviso. Victory Garden è una straordinaria opportunità per rinfrescare le vostre giornate estive. Victory Garden vi mostrerà come sia possibile autocostruirsi in modo semplice ed economico un orto idroponico. Victory Garden è anche un workshop che mira a sensibilizzare i partecipanti sul tema della coltivazione urbana e introdurli ad alcune esperienze internazionali su questi temi.
Vuoi partecipare? Scarica qui il bando (deadline mercoledì 28 luglio). Nel mese di agosto le coltivazioni idroponiche continueranno a crescere all’interno dello Spazio XYZ, e a settembre sarà organizzato un evento conclusivo con presentazione e consumo della menta prodotta negli orti (Mojito party). Durante la presentazione di venerdì 30 luglio, sarà possibile assistere anche all'installazione-performance “Nat” di Juan-Pablo Villegas Delgado. Nat is a audio visual performance which mixes organic and synthetic elements to reflect upon the relation between nature and technology. The sonic result is a product of data obtained from the hydroponic plant growing system while the visual result will be generated with the lights that provide light to the plants. Workshop Victory Garden 02-03/08/2010 per informazioni e prenotazioni [email protected]
APRIL 2010
Studiomobile durante il "Salone del Mobile 2010" parteciperà all’esposizione “Well-Tech Award”. Ogni anno vengono selezionati sessanta progetti che si sono distinti per innovazione e sostenibilità, dai materiali eco-compatibili alle nuove forme di energia rinnovabile.
Hasta la verdura siempre!
Studiomobile presenta all’interno della rassegna “Urban Display, descrivere e narrare la non città” , il filmato “Hasta la verdura siempre!Il vuoto urbano nella città di Barcellona” che ritrae il fenomeno sempre più presente della nascita di orti all’interno del tessuto interstiziale urbano di Barcellona con il distinguo tra “orti urbani” e “orti comunitari”. I primi, nati all’interno di un piano di riqualificazione ambientale, promossi dal comune di Barcellona con un sistema di fruizione controllata. I secondi, diffusi rapidamente nelle aree più impensabili della città, sono un chiaro intento di interazione da parte della popolazione, con il tessuto urbano e i suoi spazi vuoti. Galleria Contemporaneo Piazzetta Mons. Olivotti 2 30171 Venezia
Studiomobile ha partecipato al convegno internazionale svoltosi l’ 11 settembre 2009 a Bologna presso Expogreen. Il Symposium ha dimostrato quanto l’elemento “verde” sia diventato fondamentale per lo sviluppo di città sostenibili ed ecologicamente corrette. La rivista Nemeton, organizzatrice dell’evento in collaborazione con Promoverde, propone il Symposium non solo come opportunità di ricognizione tecnologica, ma anche come momento di approfondimento culturale, per la diffusione delle ragioni che portano verso una diversa concezione del rapporto fra uomo e natura. Sono disponibili, gli atti del High Green Tech Symposium.
APRIL 2009
Studiomobile partecipa ad "Archi-Nature", esposizione di progetti con l'obiettivo primario di creare un'occasione di confronto e dibattito sui temi dell'architettura bioecologica. L'esposizione all'interno della V^ edizione di "Nature" si terrà, dal 24 al 26 aprile 2009 a Venezia all’interno degli suggestivi spazi di Forte Marghera. A questa iniziativa è stata affiancata l'organizzazione di alcuni incontri, il primo dei quali si terrà il prossimo 12 marzo, sempre riguardanti il tema della progettazione eco-sostenibile in edilizia e dal titolo "Il legno come nuova frontiera dell'edilizia eco-sostenibile". Promosso dall'Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Venezia e la Commissione Sostenibilità dell'Ordine.
Studiomobile | Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto | [email protected] | via Terraglio 29, Treviso
JUL 2015
Antonio Girardi will held a talk at Villa Merkel in Esslingen am Neckar (Stuttgart) about "Urban farming as a regenerative action" the day 07.08.2016.
JUL 2015
Cristiana Favretto has been appointed a member of the board of the Foundation "Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri - Hic Terminus Haeret“
MAY 2016
Jellyfish Barge will be presented within the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, inside the Italian Pavilion curated by TAM Associati. The theme of the Pavillion, called “Taking care, designing for the common good” concerns architecture as a community service, taking care of individuals, spaces, places, principles and resources.
In such a context, Jellyfish Barge represent a solution to provide agriculture in the urban environment
combining a food production facility with a vital public space.
MAY 2016
Jellyfish Barge has been installed at Villa Merkel in Esslingen am Neckar (Stuttgart), on the occasion of the exposition "Good Space: political, aesthetic and urban spaces".
We are really happy to announce that a new prototype of Jellyfish Barge is now at Nuova Darsena in Milan. It will be present until the end of October. Come to visit us!
MAY 2015
We are happy to be part of "The new nomads. Temporary spaces and a life on the move" a new publication edited by GESTALTEN . Mobility is the ultimate new form of freedom: freedom from routine, traditional values, and geographic restraints. This growing trend has generated visionary ways of designing products and spaces that facilitate a nomadic yet high-tech life.
MAY 2015
Come to visit us at Expo 2015! Jellyfish Barge is in the Future Food District Coop!
APRIL 2015
PNAT has been awarded by UNECE ideas for change Award for a coaching trajectory by I3P Politecnico di Torino and won the first phase of Sme Instruments of Horizon 2020 by European Commission!
MARCH 2015
We are happy to be part of Atlas of Contemporary Networks, a publication lead by MA Information Design Laboratory at IUAV. Atlas of Contemporary Networks is based on a visual investigation on the influence of contemporary technology into several different domains of human activity, trying to visualize the complexity of today's technological ecosystems.
"Post Nature" by Cristiana Favretto and Antonio Girardi is published by open.txt, an experimental publishing project presented at CIID — Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.
Jellyfish Barge is ready to go!
coming soon
JUNE 2014
Jellyfish Barge under construction!
MAY 2014
We are exited to announce that we co-found with prof. Stefano Mancuso and the biologist Elisa Azzarello, Elisa Masi and Camilla Pandolfi: Pnat. Pnat is an emerging think tank of designers and biologists with the aim of merging plants, research and science. Mimicking patterns of natural processes lead to face emerging problems such as environmental changes and depletion of resources in a sustainable way. Plants account for 99% of world biomass and have been adapting to changing conditions for 450 million years. Studying their evolutionary processes suggests outstanding methodologies applicable in many fields from design to urbanism and from materials technology to resilient strategies. The work of Pnat covers the fields of sustainable architecture, bio design, education, urban ecology, material engineering.
MAY 2014
Performing the Library at Bronx Museum NY. The exhibition displays the outcome of a workshop, entitled "Performing the Library," held in the Summer of 2013 at the Università Iuav di Venezia (IUAV) as an intensive 3-weeks university-level studio whose aim was to design one or more "library" spaces. A video about the workshop’s activities and process accompanies boards illustrating the students’ projects, and study models that contain objects belonging to members of their own families, which were used to establish spatial relationships as conceptual stage-sets for future buildings.The workshop established a relationship with the US Pavilion at the 55th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, visiting Sarah Sze's installation “Triple Point,”.
Iuav Lecture
On November, 9 Studiomobile will present their installation Networking Nature at Spazio Gerra
Studiomobile lecture within La Repubblica delle idee 2013_Next at Teatro Toniolo
Antonio Girardi will hold a lecture on September the 20th within the Simposyum Osdotta 2013 at the University Sapienza in Rome
JULY 2013
Start the workshop at IUAV "Performing the library", held by Sandro Marpillero (Columbia University) in collaboration with Professor Renato Bocchi (IUAV) , Valeria Burgio (Bronx Museum NY), Cristiana Favretto and Matteo Aimini .The topic of this workshop is the design of one or more “library” spaces, to be understood not in strictly typological terms nor as use-programs for a singular building, but as a means to access the specific environmental character of Marghera, emphasizing unconventional criteria for social gathering and intense relationships with the area’s social fabric. The goal is to stimulate new perceptions of the space and time of cultural production, diffusion, and consumption, promoting specific behaviors motivated by this unique urban landscape by tracing processes of industrialization/de-industrialization to re-cycle and re-design their resultant urban structure.
JULY 2013
The catalogue of MA Narrative Environments is ready. Cristiana Favretto co-tutored the work "Dead Seas" by student Radha Mistry.
JUNE 2013
The EU-PA catalogue is ready. The publication describe the achieved results during the research program on urban regeneration in London, Maribor, Prague and Jesolo. EU-PA is a two year cooperation project founded by the Programme Culture 2007 of the EU, in partnership with MA Narrative Environments at University of Arts London - Central Saint Martins College (London, UK) and the KIBLA- Association for Culture and Education (Maribor, SL), CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies (Prague, CZ).
MAY 2013
On Monday, 6th May 2013 at 5pm Studiomobile will give a lecture at CIID, Toldbodgade 37b, Copenhagen.
MARCH 2013
Studiomobile lecture at Fabrica
STUDIO MOBILE - LECTURE from Fabrica on Vimeo.
On November 29 Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto will give a lecture at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design of London
Studiomobile will participate as a lecturer to the workshop leggerecittà
On August, 27 Studiomobile will present their installation Networking Nature at Biennale di Venezia 2012 at Palazzo Bembo. The exhibition "Traces of century, future steps" will be open to the public from August 29 untill 25 November.
JULY 2012
Re-Watering won the first prize of the Premio Basi within the category "site specific"
JUNE 2012
Cristiana Favretto has been selected for EU-PA, European Public Art project. It is a creative experiment in culture-led urban regeneration taking place in four European cities: London, Maribor, Prague and Jesolo.
The partner organisations from each city have joined forces to investigate the role of art and design within urban regeneration and prompt a dynamic circulation of new ideas and expertise across Europe. It is intended that the results will lead to more sustainable economic, social and environmental development. EU-PA is a two year cooperation project founded by the Programme Culture 2007 of the EU, in partnership with University of Arts London - Central Saint Martins College (London, UK), KIBLA- Association for Culture and Education (Maribor, SL), CIANT - International Centre for Art and New Technologies (Prague, CZ).
MAY 2012
Studiomobile will partecipate to the 13. Mostra di Architettura di Venezia within the exibition "Traces of the century & Future steps" at Palazzo Bembo. The exhibition is supervised by the Dutch curators Karlyn De Jongh, Sarah Gold and Rene Rietmeyer of the Foundation GAA established in New York in 2002.
MAY 2012
Studiomobile will partecipate at FUTURE, LANDSCAPE. A CHANGING EXHIBITION. The exhibition will be held at Forte Marghera, a Napoleonic fortification located in Venice. May 26th – July 8th 2012 Forte Marghera, Padiglione 36 Venezia http://www.parcodelcontemporaneo.it
MAY 2012
The paper "Sustainable upgrade: water as key point in environmentally keen housing refurbishment" by Antonio Girardi has been published in the book COST TU0701 ACTION: Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stock, ISBN 978-88-96463-08-6.
APRIL 2012
Studiomobile will be at FLORACULT in Rome between the 27 and 29 April 2012, where they will present their latest work, "Re-Watering"
Open#4, S.a.L.E. Docks, Venice.
MAY 2011
Geo&Geo broadcast.
APRIL 2011
Floracult promoted by Ilaria Venturini Fendi and curated by Antonella Fornai.
APRIL 2011
APRIL 2011
Jellyfish Farm at Appartamento Lago
APRIL 2011
Design Week 2011
MARCH 2011
Seawater Vertical Farm has been included in the book Utopia Forever: Visions of Architecture and Urbanism edited by Robert Klanten and Lukas Feireiss for Gestalten Publishers
MARCH 2011
Working on Parametric Landscape with Emmanuelle Walter!
Klimahouse 2011, an interview with Cristiana Favretto
Kinetic Field Galleria dei Soffioni, Piazza dei Signori, Treviso. Un campo di frumento composto da spighe meccaniche che reagiscono al movimento cinetico. Le persone, interagendo con le spighe, si sentiranno fruitori e generatori dell’energia che alimenterà l’installazione. Le installazioni interattive "KInetic Field" e "Jellyfish Farm" fanno parte di un percorso a tappe in città alla scoperta del design sostenibile. In mostra inoltre i prototipi realizzati dagli studenti dello Iuav di Venezia, e la linea Save Waste from Waste di Carmina Campus, un progetto promosso da Ilaria Venturini Fendi. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito Sustain/ability Festival Treviso 2-4 dicembre 2010 Inaugurazione: venerdì 3 dicembre alle ore 18.30.
Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto gave a lecture on "What's contemporary? Sustainability, language and holistic disciplines in studiomobile approach to the design" at the Domus Academy in Milan
Studiomobile will present “VictoryGarden” and “Jellyfish Farm” during the 6th edition of ArtVerona. Spazio XYZ will host the art installations inside the section INDEPENDENTS curated by Fuoribiennale.
"Coltiva la tua città", "Jellyfish Barge" and "Victory Graden" will be at exhibition INDEPENDENTS ArtVerona
Studiomobile will be present from 20 octuber to 22 octuber to exhibition “Selected Low-Carbon Architectural Projects” at V edition of “5th China International Architectural Expo” of Beijin. The exhibition curated by “Architecture Society of China” will be held at "Green Ark" inside the China National Convention Center in Beijin.
Studiomobile workshop to teach people how to build a mobile hydroponics vegetable garden. In collaboration with tripgroup (mestresweetcity.org). Shooting by A. Giacomazzi. Editing by A. Bellinato.
JULY 2010
Studiomobile presenta l’installazione ambientale "Victory Garden" all'interno dello Spazio XYZ di Treviso. L'istallazione si pone l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare i visitatori sul tema della coltivazione urbana e la necessità di ripensare i sistemi tradizionali di produzione e distribuzione delle materie prime dell’agricoltura. Durante la presentazione di venerdì 30 luglio, sarà possibile assistere anche all'installazione-performance “Nat” di Juan-Pablo Villegas Delgado. Dal 30 luglio al 11 settembre presso: Spazio XYZ via inferiore Treviso 31100
JULY 2010
Studiomobile work was published on the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.
JULY 2010
XYZ spazio espositivo multidisciplinare per le arti applicate e studiomobile vi invitano alla presentazione di
VICTORY GARDEN venerdì 30 luglio alle ore 17.00 via Inferiore, 31 - Treviso. Victory Garden è una straordinaria opportunità per rinfrescare le vostre giornate estive. Victory Garden vi mostrerà come sia possibile autocostruirsi in modo semplice ed economico un orto idroponico. Victory Garden è anche un workshop che mira a sensibilizzare i partecipanti sul tema della coltivazione urbana e introdurli ad alcune esperienze internazionali su questi temi.
Vuoi partecipare? Scarica qui il bando (deadline mercoledì 28 luglio). Nel mese di agosto le coltivazioni idroponiche continueranno a crescere all’interno dello Spazio XYZ, e a settembre sarà organizzato un evento conclusivo con presentazione e consumo della menta prodotta negli orti (Mojito party). Durante la presentazione di venerdì 30 luglio, sarà possibile assistere anche all'installazione-performance “Nat” di Juan-Pablo Villegas Delgado. Nat is a audio visual performance which mixes organic and synthetic elements to reflect upon the relation between nature and technology. The sonic result is a product of data obtained from the hydroponic plant growing system while the visual result will be generated with the lights that provide light to the plants. Workshop Victory Garden 02-03/08/2010 per informazioni e prenotazioni [email protected]
APRIL 2010
Studiomobile durante il "Salone del Mobile 2010" parteciperà all’esposizione “Well-Tech Award”. Ogni anno vengono selezionati sessanta progetti che si sono distinti per innovazione e sostenibilità, dai materiali eco-compatibili alle nuove forme di energia rinnovabile.
Hasta la verdura siempre!
Studiomobile presenta all’interno della rassegna “Urban Display, descrivere e narrare la non città” , il filmato “Hasta la verdura siempre!Il vuoto urbano nella città di Barcellona” che ritrae il fenomeno sempre più presente della nascita di orti all’interno del tessuto interstiziale urbano di Barcellona con il distinguo tra “orti urbani” e “orti comunitari”. I primi, nati all’interno di un piano di riqualificazione ambientale, promossi dal comune di Barcellona con un sistema di fruizione controllata. I secondi, diffusi rapidamente nelle aree più impensabili della città, sono un chiaro intento di interazione da parte della popolazione, con il tessuto urbano e i suoi spazi vuoti. Galleria Contemporaneo Piazzetta Mons. Olivotti 2 30171 Venezia
Studiomobile ha partecipato al convegno internazionale svoltosi l’ 11 settembre 2009 a Bologna presso Expogreen. Il Symposium ha dimostrato quanto l’elemento “verde” sia diventato fondamentale per lo sviluppo di città sostenibili ed ecologicamente corrette. La rivista Nemeton, organizzatrice dell’evento in collaborazione con Promoverde, propone il Symposium non solo come opportunità di ricognizione tecnologica, ma anche come momento di approfondimento culturale, per la diffusione delle ragioni che portano verso una diversa concezione del rapporto fra uomo e natura. Sono disponibili, gli atti del High Green Tech Symposium.
APRIL 2009
Studiomobile partecipa ad "Archi-Nature", esposizione di progetti con l'obiettivo primario di creare un'occasione di confronto e dibattito sui temi dell'architettura bioecologica. L'esposizione all'interno della V^ edizione di "Nature" si terrà, dal 24 al 26 aprile 2009 a Venezia all’interno degli suggestivi spazi di Forte Marghera. A questa iniziativa è stata affiancata l'organizzazione di alcuni incontri, il primo dei quali si terrà il prossimo 12 marzo, sempre riguardanti il tema della progettazione eco-sostenibile in edilizia e dal titolo "Il legno come nuova frontiera dell'edilizia eco-sostenibile". Promosso dall'Ordine degli Architetti PPC della Provincia di Venezia e la Commissione Sostenibilità dell'Ordine.
Studiomobile | Antonio Girardi and Cristiana Favretto | [email protected] | via Terraglio 29, Treviso